Mathematikon Entrance

Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

Mathematikon Staircase

The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

Mathematikon Library

Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

Mathematikon Lobby

We seek to promote the interest in mathematics and computer science by organizing events for schools and for the broader public. Alumns and newcomers join in and contribute to shared knowledge and contacts.

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Mathematics and Computer Science — Outreach


The project MINTmachen! focuses on promoting mathematics and computer science for students of all ages and abilities. The program includes, among other things, courses and workshops for schoolchildren, actively involving the university's student teachers.

Promoting mathematics and computer science for students of all ages and abilities forms the core of the project MINTmachen!. In a course program subsidized by the University of Heidelberg, interlinked with the training of student teachers, and implemented in schools throughout the region, the project aims to be a compass through the countries of mathematics and computer science so that more children discover and foster their own curiosity about science and technology - all while learning how to deal with two branches of knowledge that together form a key technology of the future.

The latest offerings include courses and workshops during vacation times, as well as regular meetings during school hours. Those interested are welcome to do their BOGY as part of MINTmachen! and get a taste of university life. MINTmachen! is also involved in orientation days or Girls' Day in order to attract as many prospective students as possible. We also like to work closely with the teachers at the schools. The student teachers are involved through internships, admission papers or student assistant jobs. Many offers are carried out in cooperation with partners who are also working with young people.

MINTmachen! is supported by the Hopp Foundation for Computer Literacy & Informatics.

Girls' Day

Every year, several events are offered on Girls' Day. In courses on the topics of mathematics and computer science, participants gain insights into the work of female scientists and can participate and try out many things themselves. At Girls' Day 2021, for example, there was a lecture on "Can you hear light? How artificial intelligence helps you look beneath the surface" and there were workshops on topics such as "The Duck Race - A game-oriented introduction to programming" and "The Euler characteristic - why a soccer ball looks the way it does".

Last updated on Aug 30, 2021 at 3:16 PM