Mathematikon Entrance

Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

Mathematikon Staircase

The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

Mathematikon Library

Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

Mathematikon Lobby

We seek to promote the interest in mathematics and computer science by organizing events for schools and for the broader public. Alumns and newcomers join in and contribute to shared knowledge and contacts.

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Mathematics and Computer Science — Doctorate


For your convenience, we have collected here all forms and documents related to the doctorate in Mathematics and Computer Science.

If you do not find here what you are looking for, it will not be elsewhere on these pages. We intend to provide translations of all documents in due time.

General documents

Regulations for the conferral of a doctoral degree

This version of September 29, 2021 applies immediately to all current and prospective doctoral candidates.

not available in English
Doctoral students convention

2017 flyer on how to get involved in the representation of doctoral students.

Supervision agreement

Finding a doctoral advisor and jointly filling and signing this form is the first mandatory step in the process.

not available in German
Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate

Please make sure you understand the details of the procedure before submitting this form.

Application for enrollment

Submit with your registration as doctoral student at the university

not available in English

Supplemental application documents

Typical requirements in mathematics

A partial list of degrees and conditions necessary or sufficient for acceptance as a doctoral candidate

Summary of courses and exams in computer science

Required from Computer Science applicants whose degree and background is in a different field

Extension of status as doctoral candidate

Submit if your project extends beyond 4 years of initial acceptance

Extension beyond 5 years

Required from the doctoral candidate

Extension beyond 5 years

Request from the doctoral advisor


Thesis preparation and examination

Title page template

Please be aware that you must not use the University Seal on any page of your (doctoral) theses. Currently, the German template is to be used for both the German and English version and available as docx-file and TeX-file.

not available in English
Declaration of originality
Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination

Includes statement of originality and consent to electronic verification of good scientific practice

Fields of specialization in Computer Science

Includes a list of possible examiners from the Faculty

Proof of thesis deposition

to be filled and signed by the University Library or an external publisher

not available in English
Pick-up authorization form

use to entrust a third party with collecting the doctoral certificate if you are unable to do so yourself.

not available in English
Last updated on Mar 21, 2023 at 3:45 PM