Mathematikon Entrance

Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

Mathematikon Staircase

The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

Mathematikon Library

Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

Mathematikon Lobby

We seek to promote the interest in mathematics and computer science by organizing events for schools and for the broader public. Alumns and newcomers join in and contribute to shared knowledge and contacts.

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New degree regulations

Information of the Examinations and Credits Office Mathematics on the effects of the new degree regulations on the credit transfer with regard to the current winter semester 2022/23

In the coming weeks, due to the new degree regulations (PO), the student files for all students have to be changed in the Examination Office. General inquiries regarding examination attempts, credit transfer and elective options in the degree programs can only be answered in exceptional cases during this time. Therefore, please refrain from sending inquiries to the Examination Office or the chairperson of the Examination Committee at the moment, if possible.

Instead, we have compiled the currently most important points (for the Bachelor's and Master's programs separately) further down on this page under the heading Handout for dealing with the new degree regulations.

We would like to point out that these compilations are not complete and that the new POs contain further changes.

Mathematikon Sculpture 4
Mathematics and Computer Science — Studies

Examinations and Credits Mathematics

The Office for Examinations and Credits Mathematics administers examination results in the bachelor's and master's programs in mathematics and the master's program in Scientific Computing as well as issues transcripts and certificates of academic achievements.

Please note:

  • The instructors of the respective course are responsible for conducting examinations during the course of study.
  • Generally, the examination board in the respective study program is responsible for the approval of coursework completed in another field or at another university, but it is compulsory to apply for this through the Office of Examinations and Credits. The student advisor will provide non-binding information in advance.
  • Legally binding information can generally not be given via e-mail. Please address your inquiries to the Office of Examinations and Credits in person or in written form as a letter, stating your e-mail address, and enclose the necessary documents for their processing.
  • Documents for your inspection and for preliminary information, as well as forms for a change of program and the bachelor or master program can be found compiled below, or otherwise in the Office of Examinations and Credits.

Examinations and Credits Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Petra Kiesel
Examinations and Credits Mathematics

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
Room 1/104
69120 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 54-14018
Fax: +49 6221 54-14015


Opening Hours:

Mon. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Wed. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Thu. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Chairs of Examination Boards

Prof. Dr. E. Kostina Chair of Examination Board Mathematics

Office hours: 
only by prior arrangement via Email

Prof. Dr. R. ScheichlChair of Examination Board Scientific Computing


Prof. Dr. Robert Scheichl
Prof. Dr. E. MammenChair of Examination Board Master of Education (Mathematics)



FAQs Examinations and Credits

Is registration for a module examination binding?

It is. In case of illness or other serious hindrances please contact your lecturer, best in advance of the examination.

If I am admitted to the exam, am I automatically registered for the exam?

That is different for different lecturers. Please ask your lecturer about the modalities.

What can I do if exam dates overlap?

Although we try to schedule the module examinations so that they do not overlap, we unfortunately do not always succeed. This applies in particular to the coordination with the examinations for the areas of application and second main subjects. If you are affected by such an overlap, please contact the respective lecturer in order to clarify the problem directly with them. A typical solution is that you only take one of the two exams and that your participation is confirmed by the lecturer. For the other course, this confirmation is then equivalent to a sick leave and you will be assigned an alternative date.

What do I do if I am ill at my exam? Does a simple notification of my doctor suffice?

For the first notification of illness, a notification from the doctor is generally sufficient, unless the lecturer expressly wishes to have the notification of illness different. The latter is then noted on the course homepage.

Can I keep my admission to a module examination for the next time the module in question is offered?

In Computer Science, the admission to a module examination stays valid for two semesters. In Mathematics, this is not possible in general. However, there is a goodwill rule according to which you can take the exam admission with you if the following three conditions hold:

  • the module in question is a compulsory module in your examination regulations,
  • you took part in the exam and did not pass it,
  • you take the next opportunity of an exam in this module.

If you want to make use of this rule when repeating the module, please contact the team for the relevant course early so that this can be taken into account.

Can I retake an exam that I have passed in order to improve?

No, this is expressly excluded in the examination regulations.

I failed an exam. What can I do now?
  • If you failed a module examination for the first time, you can repeat it at least once. To find out how many repetitions are possible for your module, please refer to your examination regulations.
  • If you have exhausted all permitted repetition options for a module and failed the examination, you have definitely failed this module. In the case of a compulsory module, you lose the right to be examined in your subject; in the case of an elective or elective module, you can replace the relevant module with an equivalent one.
  • Our bachelor's degree programmes require you to take an orientation test. If you have not passed this at the end of your third semester, you will lose the right to be examined in your subject.
Where can I get a transcript of records?

You can get a transcript of records by e-mail request to the responsible secretariat of the examination office.

Which modules appear in the transcript of records? Which in the certificate?

All modules that are completed in the course appear in the transcript of records. Only the modules that are necessary for the respective degree appear in the certificate.

Can I see my grades online?

You can see your grades via the LSF of the university in the Notenspiegel (transcript of records) under the tab Prüfungsverwaltung (examination administration).

FAQs Contact Persons at the Faculty

Academic advice, examination board, examination offices, deans of study, student council: Whom do I address with which questions?
  • The student advisory service will mainly provide you with information. Topics are all questions about your programme, such as questions about the examination regulations, the module handbook or the processes at the faculty. In this context, the student advisory service also issues the necessary certificates. In addition, the student advisory service also serves as the first point of contact for general problems during your studies, for example if you have doubts about your studies or in the event of personal emergencies.
  • The examination board is responsible for the recognition of study achievements and also decides on the approval of deadline extensions. You contact them through the respective secretariat of the examination office.
  • Your achievements are administered in the examination office. You can ask all questions about incorrectly or differently booked credits there. This also applies to achievements to be recognized from other programs or from abroad, whereby these decisions are made by the respective examination board. You will also receive your transcript of records here. In addition, final theses are registered and submitted in the examination office, and final certificates are issued. The examination office operates separate secretariats for the subjects Mathematics and Scientific Computing on the one hand and Computer Science on the other.
  • The deans of study are responsible for study planning, that is for ensuring that all types of courses are offered in sufficient quantities and that standard courses of our faculty offered in the same semester do not overlap. They are also the point of contact for serious problems in topics of teaching, such as serious complaints about lecturers.
  • The student council is not an official body of the faculty, so you cannot receive any binding information here. On the other hand, this unofficial character together with the student perspective often enables a valuable addition to the knowledge of the faculty and the university. Since the student council represents the interests of the students in the faculty, they are also a good point of contact for problems with lecturers or current study planning. Furthermore the student council offers services such as script printing or collections of exam questions.
Who is the contact person for my programme and how do I contact them?

If you have general questions about your programme, it is best to contact the academic advisory service - but please also read the answer to the previous question. The best way to get information about current courses is directly from the respective lecturer.

Which examination board resp. examination office is responsible for me and how do I contact them?
  • If you are studying in one of the programs Bachelor Mathematics 100%Bachelor Mathematics 50%, or Master Mathematics, the Mathematics Examination Board and the Examination Office Mathematics are responsible for you.
  • If you are studying in one of the programs Bachelor Computer Science 100%, Bachelor Computer Science 50%, or Master Data and Computer Science, the Computer Science Examination Board and the Examination Office Computer Science are responsible for you.
  • If your program is the Master of Scientific Computing, the Scientific Computing Examination Board and the Examination Office Mathematics are responsible for you.
  • If your program is the Master of Education, there is a central examination office for you at the HSE. However, the Examination Office Mathematics resp. Computer Science is responsible for the processing of services in your specific subject.

You can find the contact details of the secretariat of the examination office responsible for you on their web page, or you can contact them by email using the general contact form (envelope on the right). Please contact your examination board through the secratariat of the examination office responsible for you.

Current Degree Regulations & Course Handbooks Bachelor Mathematics

Degree Regulations Bachelor Mathematics

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Mathematics 100%

Version of winter semester 2022/23 (Degree Regulations of October 5th, 2022)

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Mathematics 50%

Version of winter semester 2022/23 (Degree Regulations of October 5th, 2022)

not available in English

Current Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations & Course Handbook Master Mathematics

Degree Regulations Master Mathematics

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Admission Regulations Master Mathematics

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Course Handbook Master Mathematics

Version of winter semester 2022/23 (Degree Regulations of October 5th, 2022)

not available in English

Current Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations & Course Handbooks Master Scientific Computing

Degree Regulations Master Scientific Computing

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Admission Regulations Master Scientific Computing

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Course Handbook Master Scientific Computing

Version of summer semester 2022 (Degree Regulations of April 22nd, 2013)

not available in German

Current Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations & Course Handbooks MEd Mathematics

Degree Regulations Master of Education - General Section

Version of September 29th, 2021

not available in English
Admission Regulations Master of Education - General Section

Version of September 29th, 2021

not available in English
Degree Regulations Master of Education - Subject Section

Version of October 12th, 2017

not available in English
Admission Regulations Master of Education - Subject Section

Version of October 12th, 2017

not available in English
Course Handbook Master of Education - General Section

Version of February, 2022 (Degree Regulations of September 29th, 2021)

not available in English
Course Handbook Master of Education - Subject Section

Version of summer semester 2023  (Degree Regulations of October 12th, 2017)

not available in English

Current Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations & Course Handbooks MEd Supplementary Subject Mathematics

Preamble to Degree Regulations Master of Education Supplementary Subject
not available in English
Degree Regulations Master of Education Supplementary Subject - General Section

Version of September 29th, 2021

not available in English
Degree Regulations Master of Education Supplementary Subject Mathematics

Version of May 8th, 2019

not available in English
Admission Regulations Master of Education Supplementary Subject Mathematics

Version of September 29th, 2021

not available in English
Course Handbook Master of Education Supplementary Subject Mathematics

Version of summer term 2023 (Degree Regulations of May 8th, 2019)

not available in English

Handout for dealing with the new degree regulations

    Bachelor Mathematics
    not available in English
    Master Mathematics resp. Scientific Computing

    Forms Bachelor Mathematics

    Registration Bachelor thesis Mathematics 100%

    Please fill in completely, print out and sign!!!

    not available in English
    Declaration Bachelor thesis Mathematics 100%

    Please submit with registration of Bachelor thesis.

    not available in English
    Certificate Bachelor seminar Mathematics 100%

    Fill out and have supervisor sign

    not available in English
    Registration Bachelor Thesis Mathematics 50%

    Please fill out completely, print out, and sign!!!

    not available in English
    Declaration Bachelor thesis Mathematics 50%

    Please submit with registration of Bachelor thesis.

    not available in English
    Extension of submission deadline

    for bachelor thesis mathematics 100% / 50%

    not available in English

    Forms Master Mathematics and Scientific Computing

    Registration Master thesis Mathematics / Scientific Computing

    Please fill out completely, print out and sign!!!

    not available in English
    Declaration Master thesis Mathematics / Scientific Computing

    Please submit with registration of Master thesis

    not available in English
    Certificate Master seminar Mathematics

    fill out and have supervisor sign

    not available in English
    Extension of submission deadline

    for Master thesis mathematics / scientific computing

    not available in English
    Specialization area Master Scientific Computing

    fill out and have supervisor sign

    not available in English

    Study credits Mathematics and Scientific Computing

    Credit for previous studies

    this is provided as Studienzeitanrechnungsbescheinigung by/for the University administration

    not available in English
    Guideline for transfer credit Bachelor and Master Mathematics as well as Master Scientific Computing
    not available in English
    Transfer credit Bachelor and Master Mathematics

    Please include: Course/module description (in German or English) and course completion certificate (transcript, letter of instructor, ...)

    not available in English
    Transfer credit Master Scientific Computing

    Please include: Course/module description (in German or English) and course completion certificate (transcript, letter of instructor, ...)

    not available in English


    Exam indisposition

    Template for doctor's note documenting illness

    not available in English
    Last updated on Apr 20, 2023 at 4:26 PM