Mathematikon Entrance

Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

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The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

Mathematikon Library

Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

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We seek to promote the interest in mathematics and computer science by organizing events for schools and for the broader public. Alumns and newcomers join in and contribute to shared knowledge and contacts.

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Mathematics and Computer Science — Studies

Bachelor Programs Computer Science

Computers and software permeate many areas of our lives these days. The study program in Heidelberg offers a comprehensive education in Computer Science, with a focus on applications in the natural sciences and technology, as well as in the humanities. At the same time, our graduates have excellent career opportunities in the region.

The program aims at the acquisition of a solid basic knowledge of Computer Science and its theoretical and mathematical foundations, as well as the familiarization with typical Computer Science methods and their implementation in practice. This basic knowledge and these skills should enable graduates to react and adapt to the rapidly changing demands in the Computer Science profession. Interdisciplinarity and research orientation give the program a unique profile.

Please Note

During the remodeling of the Faculty website, the Computer Science web pages remain a reliable source of detailed and up-to-date information (albeit in German only). Thank you for your understanding.

Structure of a Bachelor Program in Computer Science at Heidelberg University

In the bachelor program, a broad basic knowledge is imparted, which in particular enables students to create complex applications. This includes the development process (e.g. project organization and software development tools) as well as the handling of data (e.g. efficient data structures and databases) and the development of automatic procedures (e.g. efficient algorithms and simulations). You will learn how to make optimal use of complex computer structures (e.g. parallel computers) or how to develop your own computer architectures in the context of Computer Science.

Heidelberg University offers you the option of completing a computer science degree with a subject share of 100% or 50%. With the 50% option, you can combine your study program with another 50% program. Furthermore, with the 50% option, you can also select the teaching option. This enables you to continue your study program later with a Master of Education for the teaching profession at secondary level (Gymnasium).

Bachelor Computer Science 100 %

DegreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Type of StudyUndergraduate
Begin of studyWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s)German, some English
Application ProcedureEntrance examination

Bachelor Computer Science 50 %

DegreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.) or Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Type of studyUndergraduate, 2 majors
Begin of studyWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s)German, some English
Application ProcedureEntrance examination

Current Degree Regulations & Course Handbooks Bachelor Computer Science

Degree Regulations Bachelor Computer Science

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Computer Science 100%

Version of summer semester 2022 (Degree Regulations of September 29th, 2021)

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Computer Science 100%

Version of summer semester 2022 (Degree Regulations of March 26th, 2015)

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Computer Science 50%

Version of summer semester 2022 (Degree Regulations of September 29th, 2021)

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Computer Science 50%

Version of summer semester 2022 (Degree Regulations of March 26th, 2015)

not available in English

In order to complete the bachelor's program, 180 ECTS are required. Of these, 92 ECTS are allocated to Computer Science, 32 ECTS to Mathematics, 24 ECTS to an area of application, 20 ECTS to interdisciplinary studies and 12 ECTS to the Bachelor Thesis.

Subject Studies

The subject studies are structurally divided into basic mandatory modules, mandatory modules and elective modules. The exact contents of the modules of the subject studies can be found in the course handbook.

Area of Application

Permitted areas of application:

  • Astronomy
  • Life sciences
  • Chemistry
  • Computer linguistics
  • Geography
  • Geosciences
  • Mathematics
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Economics

Upon request, a different field may be approved as an area of application.

Interdisciplinary Courses

The total of 20 ECTS required for this area are divided into key competencies and the elective courses. The key competencies are integrated into subject modules. For the required 8 ECTS in the elective courses, the students can choose from the courses offered by the university or from the interdisciplinary Computer Science courses.

Bachelor Thesis

By completing the Bachelor thesis, students should prove that they are able to work independently on a problem in Computer Science or an area of application within a given period of three months using methods from the field of Computer Science. The Bachelor thesis must be commenced at the latest in the semester following the last examination.

FAQs Bachelor Computer Science 100%

    Credit transfer

    Please first read paragraph 7 of the examination regulations: "Crediting of study and examination achievements and degrees".

    Achievements that you have completed at other universities can, in principle, be credited to achievements in your degree program. Important: credit can only be given for those achievements which can be proven to have been achieved and graded by means of an oral or written examination. Only in justifiable exceptional cases is an accreditation possible if you have not received a grade for the performance. Furthermore, achievements can only be credited if they correspond in type and scope to achievements required by us (ECTS specification). The procedure is now as follows:

    1. Create a list of those achievements that you consider to be creditable and wish to have accredited.
    2. Compare the type and scope of your achievements with those required by us and indicate in each case for which of our modules your achievements should be credited.
    3. Formulate the request for credit to the chair of the examination board. For this purpose, use only the corresponding form on the computer science website (to be found under "Important Forms")!
    4. Come to the Examination Office during opening hours and bring with you all those certificates of achievement for which credit is requested. (The original for checking and a copy as an attachment). To be on the safe side, you should also bring the module descriptions of those courses that you have attended for comparability of performance. In case of courses that are not directly from the field of Computer Science, it may be necessary to obtain information from the examination board of the other field.


    Orientation examination

    If the module Introduction to Practical Computer Science (IPI) is still not passed after the third semester, the deadline for taking the orientation exam has expired and paragraph 13 (3) of the examination regulations becomes effective: "... If the deadline is missed, the examinee loses the right to take the examination, unless he/she is not responsible for missing the deadline." Since IPI is the introductory course to the study program, you should in any case ask yourself Computer Science is a suitable field of study for you. Therefore, please also consult sour student advisor, if necessary.

    In the case of the 50% Bachelor, 74 ECTS are allocated to the field of Computer Science, 74 ECTS to the other field of study, 20 ECTS to interdisciplinary courses and 12 ECTS to the Bachelor Thesis. The thesis is written in the primary field of study.

    Subject Studies

    The subject studies are structurally divided into basic mandatory modules, mandatory modules and elective modules. The exact contents of the modules of the subject studies can be found in the course handbook.

    Interdisciplinary Courses

    The total of 10 ECTS required for Computer Science are divided into key competencies and the elective courses. The key competencies are integrated into subject modules. For the required 8 ECTS in the elective courses, the students can choose from the courses offered by the university or from the interdisciplinary Computer Science courses.

    Bachelor Thesis

    By completing the Bachelor thesis, students should prove that they are able to work independently on a problem in Computer Science or an area of application within a given period of three months using methods from the field of Computer Science. The Bachelor thesis must be commenced at the latest in the semester following the last examination.

    Please note: Students are only allowed to write a Bachelor thesis in the field of Computer Science if Computer Science has been chosen as their primary field of study.

    Bachelor Computer Science 50 % Teaching

      The teaching degree has been converted to a Bachelor's/Master's structure:

      In the Bachelor's program, two Bachelor programs relevant to teaching are studied, each with a 50% teaching option. The Computer Science part of the study program is the Bachelor of Computer Science with a subject share of 50% and the teaching option. This Bachelor's program is followed by the Master of Education with a minor in Computer Science.

      FAQs Bachelor Computer Science 50%

        What other 50% courses can I combine this subject with?

        The Bachelor in Computer Science 50% can basically be combined with all other subjects at Heidelberg University that offer a 50% degree. When registering, please note that you can only write your bachelor thesis in the first major, and enter your subjects accordingly in order to avoid to later formally have to change your programme.

        Who can supervise bachelor theses?

        Any person who has been granted the right to examine mathematics by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science can be considered as a supervisor of a bachelor thesis. This group includes all professors of the faculty as well as some lecturers on permanent positions - if in doubt, you can ask.

        What are the deadlines for my bachelor thesis?

        The processing time for the bachelor thesis is 3 months. The registration and submission dates are shown on the notification form for the bachelor thesis and are binding.

        Last updated on Oct 20, 2022 at 10:31 AM