Mathematikon Entrance

Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

Mathematikon Staircase

The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

Mathematikon Library

Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

Mathematikon Lobby

We seek to promote the interest in mathematics and computer science by organizing events for schools and for the broader public. Alumns and newcomers join in and contribute to shared knowledge and contacts.

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Mathematics and Computer Science — Doctorate

Doctoral Office

The doctoral office is in charge of the administrative support of the entire doctoral process, from the application to renewal requests, the review and examination process to the publication of the dissertation and the conferral of the doctoral degree.

Please Note

  • PhD Registration (Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate) and Submission of Thesis (including application for admission to doctoral examination) are possible only during office hours and are processed with a complete set of required documents only.
  • Please make sure to always use the latest version of all the forms required!
  • Register online in the heiDOCS system and fill out all the required information. Only once you have entered all the information, the office for doctoral studies will be notified and able to subsequently process your application.

Upcoming Thesis Defenses


Dr. Sigurd Weinreich
Managing Director

Mathematikon, room 1/107

Phone: 06221 - 54 14021




All correspondence should be addressed to:

Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
Dekanat | Promotionsbüro
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg


Last updated on Jun 2, 2023 at 3:04 PM