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Our Faculty is the academic home of researchers, teachers, and students of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its institutes and facilities are housed in the Mathematikon, pleasantly located on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University. Welcome!

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The Doctorate signifies a proven ability to conduct independent scientific research. Under the auspices of the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, we confer the academic degree Dr. rer. nat. in the subjects of mathematics and computer science.

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Students interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, or an interdisciplinary field, pursuing a B.Sc., M.Sc., or M.Ed., and aiming for a career in research, teaching, or the private sector, will find here in Heidelberg a full range of first-class courses for a challenging and enriching educational experience in an intellectually stimulating environment with historical cachet.

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Mathematics and Computer Science — Studies

Bachelor Programs Mathematics

The Bachelor programs 100% (single major) and 50% (second major/minor) provide students with a broad basic training in Mathematics.

The Bachelor Mathematics 100% is designed as a 6 semester program leading to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). This academic degree is considered the first professional qualification and a prerequisite for the advanced Master Program in Mathematics or Scientific Computing. The 50% version of the Bachelor concludes with either a Bachelor of Science of a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), depending on the choice of the second major.

How is a Bachelor Program in Mathematics at Heidelberg University structured?

The bachleor program mathematics program features a bachelor's degree in mathematics 100%, which can later be continued with a master's degree in mathematics or scientific computing, and a bachleor program in mathematics 50%, which leads to a master's degree in education by way of a teacher training option.

Bachelor Mathematics 100 %

DegreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Type of StudyUndergraduate
Begin of studyWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Application ProcedureNo admission restrictions

Bachelor Mathematics 50 %

DegreeBachelor of Science (B. Sc.) or Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Type of studyUndergraduate, 2 majors
Begin of studyWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Application ProcedureNo admission restrictions

Current Degree Regulations & Course Handbooks Bachelor Mathematics

Degree Regulations Bachelor Mathematics

Version of October 5th, 2022

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Mathematics 100%

Version of winter semester 2022/23 (Degree Regulations of October 5th, 2022)

not available in English
Course Handbook Bachelor Mathematics 50%

Version of winter semester 2022/23 (Degree Regulations of October 5th, 2022)

not available in English

Earlier versions of the course handbooks can be found in the download center.

To complete the bachelor's degree, you need 180 credit points (Leistungspunkte or LP). Of these, 127 CP are allocated to the core courses in Mathematics (subject studies), 21 CP to an area of application, 20 CP to interdisciplinary skills (Fachübergreifende Kompetenzen or FÜK) and 12 CP to the bachelor's thesis. At least 5 CP of the FÜK are completed in Mathematics and at least 3 CP in an area of application.

Subject studies

Within the core courses in Mathematics, we distinguish between compulsory modules, required elective modules and elective modules. The compulsory modules must be completed in any case. 3 CP for the programming part of the introduction to practical computer science and 2 CP for subject didactics in the proseminar and seminar count towards the interdisciplinary competencies (FÜK). In order to ensure a broad basic education, at least 1 module must be completed in each of the following three elective areas (required elective). An in-depth lecture must be chosen in at least one elective area; these are lectures whose title contains a 2, or those from the master’s degree. Finally, in the elective area, 16 LP must be completed in modules of your choice offered within mathematics. The content of the modules and specialization areas mentioned below is described in the course handbook.

Application areas

Fields admissible as application area:

  • Computer Science
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economy
  • Philosophy

Other subjects can be approved as application area upon request.

Interdisciplinary Competencies

Of the total of 20 CP required in the area of interdisciplinary studies, 8 CP are covered by the programming, interdisciplinary and presentation components of the core courses in Mathematics and the area of application. The remaining 12 CP can be earned in any course offered as FÜK at the University.

Bachelor thesis

The purpose of the bachelor thesis is for students to show that they master mathematical methods required to work independently on a problem from Mathematics or an area of application within a specified period of three months. The bachelor thesis must begin no later than one week after successful completion of the last course-related examination.

FAQs Bachelor Mathematics 100%

    Which areas of application can I choose?

    In principle, any math-related subject offered at Heidelberg University can be considered as an area of ​​application. The subjects astronomy, life sciences, chemistry, computational linguistics, computer science, philosophy, physics, psychology and economics are expressly approved. Details on which modules you have to take within your application area can be found in the module handbook for the Bachelor Mathematics 100%.

    Who can supervise bachelor theses?

    Any person who has been granted the right to examine mathematics by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science can be considered as a supervisor of a bachelor thesis. This group includes all professors of the faculty as well as some lecturers on permanent positions - if in doubt, you can ask.

    Can I write my bachelor thesis at another university or in a company?

    It is not possible to write a bachelor thesis at another university. You can write your bachelor thesis in a company if the thesis is registered under a supervisor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

    How do I register my bachelor thesis and what do I have to consider?

    To do this, you have to submit the registration forms Anzeige der Bachelorarbeit and Erklärung zur Bachelorarbeit at the examination office. Your supervisor's signature is required on the first form. Basically: You can only register your Bachelor thesis in the Bachelor Mathematics 100% if you have already booked 120 CP.

    What are the deadlines for my bachelor thesis?

    The processing time for the bachelor thesis is 3 months. The registration and submission dates are shown on the notification form for the bachelor thesis and are binding.

    Within the Bachelor program in Mathematics 50%, 84 CP are allocated to the core courses in mathematics (subject studies) and 12 CP to the Bachelor thesis. The other 84 CP of the bachelor's degree are allotted to the second main subject chosen.

    Subject studies

    Within the core courses in Mathematics, we distinguish between compulsory modules, required elective modules and elective modules. The compulsory modules must be completed in any case. 2 CP of the didactic component in the proseminar and seminar count towards the interdisciplinary competencies (FÜK). In the required elective category, at least 3 of the following modules have to be completed successfully:

    • Algebra 1
    • Theory of functions 1
    • Introduction to numerics
    • Introduction to probability and statistics

    The detailed content of the following modules can be found in the course handbook.

    Interdisciplinary competencies

    Of the total of 10 CP required in the area of interdisciplinary studies, 2 CP are covered by the didactics component of the proseminar. The remaining 8 CP can be earned in any course offered as FÜK at the University.

    Bachelor thesis

    The purpose of the bachelor thesis is for students to show that they master mathematical methods required to work independently on a problem from Mathematics or an area of application within a specified period of three months. To register for the Bachelor thesis, you need to show evidence of completion of 58 CP in Mathematics and 30 CP in the second main subject. The bachelor thesis must begin no later than one week after successful completion of the last course-related examination.

    Note: You are entitled to a Bachelor thesis in Mathematics only if your second main subject is any of: Computer science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics. Other subjects are admissible only upon special request.

    Bachelor Mathematics 50 % Teaching

      The Bachelor program Mathematics 50% admits an additional teaching option as a first step in the training to become a high school teacher. This option is a prerequisite for the Master of Education in Mathematics. In concrete terms, this means that in addition to the subject specific components the Bachelor program includes educational science and practical training courses amounting to 20 CP. Of those, 10 CP are attributed to Mathematics and include 8 CP for interdisciplinary competencies (from courses offered by the Department of Educational Science), and 2 CP for the didactical components in the proseminar and seminar.

      The provisions of the teaching option are regulated in the framework regulation for the teaching post option at Heidelberg University. Further details can be found here.

      FAQs Bachelor Mathematics 50%

        What other 50% courses can I combine this subject with?

        The Bachelor in Mathematics 50% can basically be combined with all other subjects at Heidelberg University that offer a 50% degree. When registering, please note that you can only write your bachelor thesis in the first major, and enter your subjects accordingly in order to avoid to later formally have to change your programme.

        Where can I find the didactic event for the Bachelor in Mathematics 50%?

        You do not have to attend a special didactics event, as the required 2 CP in didactics are already covered by attending the proseminar and the seminar.

        Who can supervise bachelor theses?

        Any person who has been granted the right to examine mathematics by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science can be considered as a supervisor of a bachelor thesis. This group includes all professors of the faculty as well as some lecturers on permanent positions - if in doubt, you can ask.

        How do I register my bachelor thesis and what do I have to consider?

        You are only entitled to write a bachelor thesis in mathematics if your second subject is one of the following: computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, economics. Other subjects can be admitted on request in individual cases. 

        To register your bachelor thesis, you have to submit the registration forms Anzeige der Bachelorarbeit and Erklärung zur Bachelorarbeit at the examination office. Your supervisor's signature is required on the first form. Basically: You can only register your Bachelor thesis in the Bachelor Mathematics 50% if you have already booked 58 CP in mathematics and 30 CP in your second subject.

        What are the deadlines for my bachelor thesis?

        The processing time for the bachelor thesis is 3 months. The registration and submission dates are shown on the notification form for the bachelor thesis and are binding.

        Can I already take modules of the Master of Education in the Bachelor's program and then take them with me?

        Officially, this is not possible. However, the faculty tolerates this for the elective lecture and the subject didactic lecture in the Master of Education. The interleaving modules form the core of the Master of Education and cannot be brought forward.

        Last updated on Feb 14, 2023 at 1:58 PM